Author Archives: John Veldthuis

TT2000 2016 – Day 3 – The Return

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Sunday Leg

Day 3 – TT2000 2016 the home track First thing I did when I got out was to check the rear tire pressure and it was still at 42psi so holding nicely. Front at 38psi. Crisp morning as well. Only one checkpoint to pick up then a dash for the finish. Schedule said 4am start and 10am finish. I woke… Read more »

TT2000 2016 – Day 1- And We are Off

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TT2000 Picton Start

Day 1 – TT2000 2016 – The Start Slept very little on the ferry. The crossing was a bit lumpy and there were a few wave crashes that jolted. But all things end and I popped down for breakfast at 5am. Was early so went outside for a look. Very windy but you could see gaps in the clouds with… Read more »

Day 0 – TT2000 2016 – Getting There

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Day 0 – TT2000 2016 – The Trip Down  Decided to leave home about 5pm and take a slow trip down. It was supposed to be raining but the weather was fine all day but the wind was hell. Getting blown all over the place down the Foxton straights. Topped off with the last cheap fuel in Levin and ambled… Read more »

Day None – TT2000 2016 – The Plan

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Day None – TT2000 2016 – Planning TT2000 time has come around again and for me planning starts very early. This year like others there are 4 mystery locations to find so I started out trying to find these. Mystery #3 was very easy for me to find and it did not take long with google to find the snow… Read more »

New Bike in the Garage – Cross 5 Electric Bike

Electric Bike to keep the BMW company Today I drove up to Thames to pick up my new bike. This one is a Volto Cross 5 Electric Bike. I went up a week okay to try it out and found it very nice so I purchased one. The reason being I like riding a bike but hate those head winds that… Read more »

Happy Holidays to you all

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Happy Holidays to all! Hoping you all have happy holidays. Unfortunately I will be working through most of them so won’t be getting out much. Currently at work at the moment but had an awesome lunch of roast chicken, vegies, roast potatoes, and kumara. Followed that by Pavlova, ice cream, and fruit. Can barely move now. Many thanks to the… Read more »