Author Archives: John Veldthuis

1KC 2016 – 12 hours of riding

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Hamilton 1KC (1000km ride) The Hamilton 1KC ride happened on the 5th November 2016 and was eagerly awaited. The rough route was put out shortly after it was announced so I put it into Basecamp to see what it looked like. Not bad with mostly main roads although a big stretch down SH2 at 80km was not too hot. Might… Read more »

NI1600 2016

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North Island 1600 2016 (N I1600) Once again it was time for the North Island 1600km ride (NI1600). It was planned to start on the 8th of October and for me I decided to take the week off work to make sure I was rested and was not tired at work afterwards. Not much planning to do except for installing… Read more »

Light up my world Darla!

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Time to light up my world Darla! Saw a review of some Clearwater lights and decided that they would go nicely on my BMW. BMW’s do have an option for LED lights but the Clearwater ones are far superior. I decided on the 2” Darla and ordered them from Clearwater’s site on the 22nd August 2016. Total cost was US$841.64…. Read more »

A woolly ride – Sheepskin covers

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A woolly ride – Sheepskin covers I have been on a spending spree on Farkles for the bike in the last month. First heated gear, then LED lights and now finally my latest purchase. Sheepskin seat covers. I saw a post on Facebook a while ago on the Distance Riders page with a guy putting sheepskin seat covers on. They… Read more »

Time for a new Cage – Toyota Fortuner

Time for a new cage – Toyota Fortuner  I had my latest car for over 10 years now and that is the longest time I have ever held onto a car. It was a Toyota Highlander and was purchased as a demonstrator model so was significantly cheaper than the full priced version and only had 5,000km on it when I… Read more »

Northern Odyssey 2016 – Part 2

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Northern Odyssey Part 2 The Part the nearly didn’t happen I tried to do the second part of the Northern Odyssey a couple of times but things were conspiring against me not to get it done. The first thing that happened was the doctor changed my pills for my diabetes. Or rather added another one to them. The original pill… Read more »