Heated Clothing

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During a repair to my trailer the cable got cut and one light would not work. I went into town and got some cable but forgot the joiners so needed another trip in. However I wanted a ride on the bike as well so decide to go to Wellington via SH2 and back via SH1.

It was supposed to be a nice fine day and it is summer after all so I had not yet put the liners back in my jacket and pants. InĀ  fact they were still at home. I started in the dark at 6am and my replacement bulb I put in from the TT2000 was shockingly yellow so that will need to be changed for a better one. Went over the Paihiatua track and headed down SH2. It was getting cold and was overcast and showers at times. The heated grips had my hands toasty and the seat heater had my butt warm but my upper body was freezing. Just before Masterton I pulled over into a rest area and pulled out my First Gear heated jacket. This is the first time I have used it since I brought it in September 2016. It is very comfortable and after can’t remembering which controller knob did what I turned them both on. I did not put the pants or socks on as only my upper body was cold. Plugged it into the bike connection and was away. Within 2 minutes I could feel the heat on my arms and soon the rest of me was extremely toasty. I only had it on about 33% so wound it back to about 20% and it was awesome.

Got to the hill and it was raining and as usual some wankers had laid diesel down on the road. At one point near the top it was right across the road just out of a corner but luckily I was behind some cars and the bike was near vertical but I could still feel it try and slide out from under me.

Rain cleared after the hill and the sun cam out allowing me to turn off the jacket.

I highly recommend First Gear heated clothing as it is awesome.

BTW I got the joiners and the trailer is fixed now.

90w Heated Jacket from First Gear

Duak Wireless Controller for First Gear products

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